How to Install Tendoo CMS
Installation Guide
If you want to use tendoo, you must install it first. This guide will let you know everything about tendoo installation.
1. Download Tendoo from github
Tendoo CMS is a project hosted on, so you can download tendoo from there. Since this branch still in development, you can directly download "master" zipball.
2. Set your environment
You can use tendoo in production and development environment. For development environment, it's recommended to use "WampServer", which actually work with this branch as it stand. You can also use production environment, but it's not recommended since tendoo still in development.
Once you have downloaded the zip, uncompress it on your "www" folder and open your browser.
Note : with changes zipball content may be different.
3. Follow the instructions
You can access now tendoo through you browser like this
This is the first tendoo welcome page, when it's not installed. To proceed, clic on "Define database configuraiton". This will take you to a new page where you'll specify you database setting. Generaly for development environment, host is "localhost" and user name is "root".
After this, you'll be taken to a page where you should specify your site details (name) and your credentials to login.
After this, you'll access the login page, where you'll provide your credentials. The first user is the "master user", which has all permissions.
When everything is alright, you can access dashboard
You're done, tendoo is now installed.
Updated less than a minute ago