About Post Type

Learn what is Post Type

Post Type is a new feature inspired from WordPress, which help creating various post format using simple code snippets.
Unlike WordPress, this feature as his own way to be declared and runned, here is an example :

$Post	=	new PostType( array(
	'namespace'		=>		'post', // required
  'label'				=>		__( 'Posts' )
) );
// PostType is an already included class.

There are several options which can be included on PostType parameters array for further customization. It's the case of comment which can be disabled (enabled per default).
Here is an advanced parameters array.

$config	=	array(
  	'namespace'	=>	'movies',
  	'label'			=>	__( 'Movies' ),
  	'new-post-label'	=>	__( 'Create a new Movie' ),
  	'edit-post-label'	=>	__( 'Edit Movie' ),
  	'privilege'	=>	'system@manage_modules', // defaults role required, you can set custom privilege which can access to this posttype,
  	'menu-position'	=>	array( 'after' , 'dashboard' ), // put menu after dashboard item
  	'menu-icon'			=>	'fa fa-star', // as default menu icon
  	'displays'			=>	array( 'title', 'editor' , 'publish' ),
  	'comment-enabled'	=>	true, // in order to enable comments
  	'post-comment-label'	=>	__( 'Posts comments' ), // for main comment page
  	'comments-list-label'	=>	sprintf( __( '%s comments' ) , $this->namespace ) // where $this->namespace returns post namespace  	

You can look at the complete Post Type full parameters
You can also set Taxonomies for Post Type .