Add table to a specific meta box

In order to display a table to a specific meta box, you shoud first choose the right type for this meta box.

If it's true that every type can be used, we recommend you to choose "panel-ho" (Panel Head Only), which displays only panel head.

Here is the base of your script.

$this->gui->cols_width( 1 , 4 ); // setting cols width

$this->gui->set_meta( 'custom-meta' , __( 'Custom table' ) , 'panel-ho' )->push_to( 1 ); // Push this meta to col 1

The meta box is now ready, you'll create the new item right now. and the data displayed on the table.


$this->gui->set_item( array(
  	'type'		=>		'table-panel', // this type is compatible with "panel-ho" meta box type.
  	'cols'		=>		array( __( 'ID' ) ,  __( 'Title' ) , __( 'Content' ) ),
  	'rows'		=>		array(
      	array( 1 , __( 'Title 1' ) , __( 'Content 1' ) ),
      	array( 2 , __( 'Title 2' ) , __( 'Content 2' ) ),
      	array( 3 , __( 'Title 3' ) , __( 'Content 3' ) )
) )->push_to( 'custom-meta' ); // "custom-meta" is the meta box namespace.

That's it !!!