Getting Started

This page will help you get started with Tendoo CMS. You'll be up and running in a jiffy!

So, you decided to be an expert of Tendoo CMS ? This guide will let you know everything. Whether you are a simple user or developer, this documentation groups guides, tutorials and code reference (with almost every part of code explained).

As first step, you may need to know How to install Tendoo. after this you have the choice.

Learn everything from user guide such as :

You may also need to know :

But if you need more, and want to create your own app, there are also tutorials and code reference available. The requirement for this is to know PHP coding language. there are several courses out there for this. When you're done with, you can learn how to create a module. It's not a definitive tutorial, but it groups everything you need to know as starting steps. You can learn more writing module with advanced tips.

If you are more UI oriented, and want to create themes for tendoo, you can know how to create a basic theme. This tutorial is also basic, if you need more, you can learn advanced tips to create tendoo theme.

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